Dawn Russell B.A. (HONS) Fine Art

1998 - Foundation Course in Art and Design at Rugby College

2002 - B.A. (HONS) Fine Art

Everyone has their own reasons for using animals in their art, and for me I look to the animals themselves for my inspiration. Historically artists have been fascinated by the representation of animals in art, and in particular the relationship between dogs and their owners, from Hogarth and Reynolds, to more recently Jeff Koons, Willian Wegman and Jordan Baseman.

The dog has always been my greatest love, as they are funny and loving. Their very presence around me, their movements and behaviour, are the reasons for painting and sculpting them.

Recent years have seen my art moving further into all kinds of domestic animals, and especially wild animals.

Paintings are primarily done in oils, pastels and acrylics.

I have exhibited widely in the UK and abroad, and my paintings have sold internationally.

I am a member of the Association of Animal Artists, and Associate Member of Northampton Town and County, I was also a member of MIWAS (associated with Marwell Zoo).